Thanking My Fellow Typecasters

Here in the recent past I couldn’t help but notice that a number of my fellow typecasters have returned to their respective blogs after much time away.  They are effectively doing their part to ensure that the typosphere continues on, as it should be.  In turn, they have inspired me to finally return to my own little corner of the web, an activity that has been long overdue.  Consider this to be my way of saying thanks to those others who have shown me the way.

Though my days of typewriter acquisition would appear to be over with (it has now been a year since my last typewriter purchase) , I remain very enthusiastic about these machines and continue to use them on a near-daily basis.  In addition, the typewriter community itself remains one of the most uplifting aspects of my life.  My correspondence with this group of people has helped to keep my spirits up during some particularly tough times. Our typed conversations have evolved way beyond typewriters, but these machines have served as the tools to help bring out discussions of so many other things in life.  The good stuff and the bad, all of which matters and accounts for who we are as individuals at the end of the day.

For now I simply wanted to say thank you to my fellow typecasters who are doing their part to keep the typosphere alive and well.  Know that your efforts have not gone unnoticed.

AFTERTHOUGHTS: Though I was inspired by those who returned to blogging via typecasting after a noticeable amount of time away, this not of thanks really goes out to any and all that continue to typecast as we get ready to head into 2023.

After creating this short post, it dawned on me that unsurprisingly I’m now quite out of practice when it comes to blogging. I didn’t exactly convey what it was that I wanted to say and as is often the case, my grammar could do with some improvement. But I’m posting this anyway in the spirit of “it’s the thought that counts” (as muddled and convoluted as such thoughts might be). I truly do appreciate all of the typecasters who make the typosphere what it is.

16 thoughts on “Thanking My Fellow Typecasters”

  1. Happy to see that you’re getting into it again. And it is kind of funny that exactly the day you post this, I decided this morning — while not able to do much after recovering from knee surgery — this would be a perfect time to check in my favorite blogs again and dusting of my typewriters to type away the moment I am able again to sit in an office chair for a longer period again. So, very happy to see new content and many thanks to you for keeping alive the typosphere.
    And on your afterthoughts: As a non-native speaker I care much more about the content than grammar and al that. I fully understand your thought here, I have to get as well back in writing in another language, but I think that you’re right. It will come eventually with actually doing the writing.
    Looking forward to read more from you.


    1. Sebastian, I appreciate your kind thoughts. Here’s hoping that your recovery from knee surgery goes as well as possible and that you’ll be able to return to typing sooner rather than later. Thanks for taking the time to comment!

  2. Nice to see you back Bill. Don’t worry about grammar so much as the content. Write “from the hip”. When you are rich and famous you can pay someone to clean up the messy parts. ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Thanks Richard. Yes, it’s always good to see The Mighty Blogroll filled with recent entries. In this sense, every post counts โ€” further adding to the momentum.

      For those who wound up here purely by chance, The Mighty Blogroll is a list of blogs that have signed up to be part of the typosphere. The blogroll itself links to the latest entry found on each of these blogs. The Mighty Blogroll itself can be found at

  3. I really like to read you Bill. You have an interesting point ot view or should I say point of views and it’s always interesting and challenging at the same time. Personally, I find all bloggers are heroes for doing this. Take care.

    1. Thanks for the kind words Daniel, much appreciated. I’m still hoping that you might end up with a blog of your own one day as I know that you too offer a different take on things.

  4. Yay! You’re back! I always enjoy your thoughts here. I too am not actively looking for more typewriters. Like you, I like having a variety of styles to choose from when the mood strikes. They spark creative writing, and exchanging letters with wonderful friends like you is fun.

    1. Thanks Mei. Count yourself among those who have inspired me since I took a break from blogging. I’m actually now putting some thought into a post that goes some way towards explaining how I continue to enjoy typewriters while actively working on decreasing the number of these machines that I own. (Beyond the widely held belief that i’m just odd.)

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